Base64 encode/decode

This site provides Base64 encoding/Base64 decoding conversion tools. If you enter the string you want to convert to Base64, it will be automatically encoded to Base64. Also, if you enter Base64, it will be decoded automatically.

What is Base64?

Base64 is a conversion method that represents all data using a combination of 64 characters: "a-z", "A-Z", "0-9", "+", "/" and "=". Base64 is used to transmit binary data to applications and programs that can only handle text format. It is often used for e-mail attachments (MIME), etc.

How to use (encoding)

1) Enter the string you want to Base64 encode.
2) Automatically displays encoded Base64.
3) The converted Base64 will be displayed, so you can copy and download it.

How to use (decode)

1) Enter the Base64 you want to decode.
2) Automatically displays the decoded string.
3) The converted Base64 will be displayed, so you can copy and download it.


This tool is available for free.

※This program is created and confirm the operation in PHP8.1.22.
※If you have any inquiries, opinions, or requests that you would like to make, please fill out the following form