Hiragana to Katakana

Hiragana to Katakana conversion is a site that provides a tool that can convert text or strings containing hiragana characters that you want to convert to katakana into katakana characters. Simply paste the text or strings containing hiragana characters to convert them to katakana characters. It is free to use.
Katakana |
Hiragana |
How to use
1) Copy the text or strings containing hiragana characters that you want to convert to katakana.
2) It will be automatically converted to uppercase.
3) You can "copy" and "download" the converted uppercase text by clicking the icon in the upper right.
This tool is available for free.
※This program is created and confirm the operation in PHP8.1.22.
※If you have any inquiries, opinions, or requests that you would like to make,
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