Muscle Mass Calculation

The muscle mass calculation tool is a tool that allows you to easily calculate your muscle mass by simply entering your body weight and body fat percentage. In addition to muscle mass, you can also calculate lean body mass and body fat mass.
How to use
- Enter your "weight" and "body fat percentage" Masu.
- "Muscle mass", "Lean body mass" and "Body fat mass" are automatically displayed.
What is muscle mass?
Muscle mass is the total amount of muscle tissue in the body. It refers to weight. This includes skeletal muscle, smooth muscle, and cardiac muscle, but when people generally talk about muscle mass, they are usually referring to "skeletal muscle mass."
Characteristics of muscle mass
- Involved in body movementSkeletal muscles are used to move the body, such as walking, running, and holding things. Muscles necessary for supporting basal metabolism.
- Supports basal metabolism The more muscle mass you have, the higher your basal metabolism (calories burned while at rest).
- Energy consumption Storage: Muscles consume energy and store glycogen (carbohydrates).
- Decreases with age Ageing and exercise Deficiency of muscle mass leads to a decrease in muscle strength and metabolism (sarcopenia).
How to calculate muscle mass
Lean body mass = body weight (kg) x (1 - body fat percentage)
Muscle mass = lean body mass (kg) x 70%
Body fat mass = body weight (kg) - lean body mass
Points to note when calculating muscle mass
The rule of thumb is that muscle mass accounts for about 70% of lean body mass (LBM). This has been shown in a joint research project between Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine and Meiji Co., Ltd., and a survey conducted by the Sports Agency. However, some research results put the figure at 50%. Also, if muscle mass is skeletal muscle, There are also differences depending on whether it refers to only the skeletal muscles or the visceral muscles and cardiac muscles.
The measurement of muscle mass varies greatly depending on the amount of water and the measurement method, so it is important to take into account diet When it comes to weight training, it is recommended that you use your lean body mass as a guide.
Example of calculating muscle mass
Weight: 70kg
Body fat percentage: 20%
Lean body mass = 70kg × (1 - 20%) = 56kg
Muscle mass = 56kg x 70% = 39.2kg
Body fat mass = 70kg - 56kg = 14kg
This tool is available for free.
※This program is created and confirm the operation in PHP8.1.22.
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