Matrix Multiplication

Matrix Multiplication is a tool that allows you to easily find the "matrix multiplication (matrix product)" of a specified matrix. With this tool, you can simply enter the numbers for the matrix you want to find the matrix multiplication of, and the calculation result of the matrix multiplication will be automatically displayed.
Results of matrix multiplication
How to use
- Enter values in the "Matrix" for A and B.
- The "Matrix multiplication (matrix product)" will be calculated automatically.
What is matrix multiplication?
Matrix multiplication is an operation in linear algebra that multiplies two matrices to obtain a new matrix. This calculation plays an important role in many areas of data transformation and numerical computation.
How to calculate matrix multiplication
To multiply matrices A and B, the number of columns in A must match the number of rows in B. The resulting matrix C has size m × p.
The elements of the result matrix Ci,j are calculated as follows:
Ci,j = Σk=1n Ai,k × Bk,j
Calculation example
Consider the following matrices A and B:
The resulting matrix C is:
Calculation procedure
For C1,1:
For C1,1:
For C1,2:
For C1,2:
For C1,2:
For C2,1:
For C2,1:
C2,1 = (4 × 7) + (5 × 9) + (6 × 11) = 139
For C2,2:
C2,2 = (4 × 8) + (5 × 10) + (6 × 12) = 154
This tool is available for free.
※This program is created and confirm the operation in PHP8.1.22.
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